- 队列是一个有序列表,可以用数组或链表来实现;
- 遵循先入先出的原则;(先进先出)
- 将尾指针往后移:rear+1,当front==rear (队列空)
- 托尾指针rear小于队列的最大下标maxSize-1,则将数据存入rear所指的数组元素中,否则无法存入数据。rear==maxSize-1 (队列满)
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| package com.jokerdig.queue;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Demo01 { public static void main(String[] args) { ArrayQueue arrayQueue = new ArrayQueue(3); char key; Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); boolean flag = true; while(flag){ System.out.println("=============队列验证=============="); System.out.println("==========a: 添加队列============"); System.out.println("==========g: 获取队列============"); System.out.println("==========s: 查看队列============"); System.out.println("==========h: 查看队列头的数据============"); System.out.println("==========e: 退出程序============"); System.out.print("请输入对应的字符:"); key=scanner.next().charAt(0); switch (key){ case 'a': System.out.print("请输入一个数字:"); int val = scanner.nextInt(); arrayQueue.addQueue(val); break; case 'g': try { int res = arrayQueue.getQueue(); System.out.printf("取出的数据:%d\n",res); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } break; case 's': arrayQueue.showQueue(); break; case 'h': try { int res = arrayQueue.headQueue(); System.out.printf("取出的头数据:%d\n",res); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } break; case 'e': scanner.close(); flag = false; break; default: break; } } System.out.println("程序已退出");
} }
class ArrayQueue{ private int maxSize; private int front; private int rear; private int arr[];
public ArrayQueue(int arrMaxSize) { maxSize = arrMaxSize; arr = new int[maxSize]; front = -1; rear = -1; } public boolean isFull(){ return rear == maxSize-1; } public boolean isEmpty(){ return rear == front; } public void addQueue(int num){ if(isFull()){ System.out.println("队列已满,无法添加"); return; } rear++; arr[rear] =num; } public int getQueue(){ if(isEmpty()){ throw new RuntimeException("队列为空"); } front++; return arr[front]; } public void showQueue(){ if(isEmpty()){ System.out.println("队列为空"); return; } for (int i=0;i<arr.length;i++) { System.out.printf("arr[%d]=%d\n",i,arr[i]); } } public int headQueue(){ if(isEmpty()){ throw new RuntimeException("队列为空"); } return arr[front+1]; } }
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| =============队列验证============== ==========a: 添加队列============ ==========g: 获取队列============ ==========s: 查看队列============ ==========h: 查看队列头的数据============ ==========e: 退出程序============ 请输入对应的字符:g 队列为空 =============队列验证============== ==========a: 添加队列============ ==========g: 获取队列============ ==========s: 查看队列============ ==========h: 查看队列头的数据============ ==========e: 退出程序============ 请输入对应的字符:a 请输入一个数字:1 =============队列验证============== ==========a: 添加队列============ ==========g: 获取队列============ ==========s: 查看队列============ ==========h: 查看队列头的数据============ ==========e: 退出程序============ 请输入对应的字符:s arr[0]=1 arr[1]=0 arr[2]=0 =============队列验证============== ==========a: 添加队列============ ==========g: 获取队列============ ==========s: 查看队列============ ==========h: 查看队列头的数据============ ==========e: 退出程序============ 请输入对应的字符:a 请输入一个数字:2 =============队列验证============== ==========a: 添加队列============ ==========g: 获取队列============ ==========s: 查看队列============ ==========h: 查看队列头的数据============ ==========e: 退出程序============ 请输入对应的字符:s arr[0]=1 arr[1]=2 arr[2]=0 =============队列验证============== ==========a: 添加队列============ ==========g: 获取队列============ ==========s: 查看队列============ ==========h: 查看队列头的数据============ ==========e: 退出程序============ 请输入对应的字符:a 请输入一个数字:3 =============队列验证============== ==========a: 添加队列============ ==========g: 获取队列============ ==========s: 查看队列============ ==========h: 查看队列头的数据============ ==========e: 退出程序============ 请输入对应的字符:s arr[0]=1 arr[1]=2 arr[2]=3 =============队列验证============== ==========a: 添加队列============ ==========g: 获取队列============ ==========s: 查看队列============ ==========h: 查看队列头的数据============ ==========e: 退出程序============ 请输入对应的字符:a 请输入一个数字:4 队列已满,无法添加 =============队列验证============== ==========a: 添加队列============ ==========g: 获取队列============ ==========s: 查看队列============ ==========h: 查看队列头的数据============ ==========e: 退出程序============ 请输入对应的字符:h 取出的头数据:1 =============队列验证============== ==========a: 添加队列============ ==========g: 获取队列============ ==========s: 查看队列============ ==========h: 查看队列头的数据============ ==========e: 退出程序============ 请输入对应的字符:g 取出的数据:1 =============队列验证============== ==========a: 添加队列============ ==========g: 获取队列============ ==========s: 查看队列============ ==========h: 查看队列头的数据============ ==========e: 退出程序============ 请输入对应的字符:e 程序已退出
Process finished with exit code 0
- 尾部索引的下一个为头索引时表示队列满,将队列容量作为约定,在做判断队列是否满的时候要注意(rear+1)%maxSize == front (满);
- rear == front (空);
- 这中情况下front和rear初始值默认为0;(而不是-1)
- 队列中有效的的数据个数(rear+maxSize-front)%maxSize
- 环形队列分析图;
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| package com.jokerdig.queue;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Demo02 { public static void main(String[] args) { ArrayQueue1 arrayQueue = new ArrayQueue1(3); char key; Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); boolean flag = true; while(flag){ System.out.println("=============环形队列验证=============="); System.out.println("==========a: 添加队列============"); System.out.println("==========g: 获取队列============"); System.out.println("==========s: 查看队列============"); System.out.println("==========h: 查看队列头的数据============"); System.out.println("==========e: 退出程序============"); System.out.print("请输入对应的字符:"); key=scanner.next().charAt(0); switch (key){ case 'a': System.out.print("请输入一个数字:"); int val = scanner.nextInt(); arrayQueue.addQueue(val); break; case 'g': try { int res = arrayQueue.getQueue(); System.out.printf("取出的数据:%d\n",res); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } break; case 's': arrayQueue.showQueue(); break; case 'h': try { int res = arrayQueue.headQueue(); System.out.printf("取出的头数据:%d\n",res); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } break; case 'e': scanner.close(); flag = false; break; default: break; } } System.out.println("程序已退出");
} }
class ArrayQueue1{ private int maxSize; private int front; private int rear; private int arr[];
public ArrayQueue1(int arrMaxSize) { maxSize = arrMaxSize; arr = new int[maxSize]; } public boolean isFull(){ return (rear+1)%maxSize==front; } public boolean isEmpty(){ return rear == front; } public void addQueue(int num){ if(isFull()){ System.out.println("队列已满,无法添加"); return; } arr[rear] =num; rear = (rear+1) % maxSize; } public int getQueue(){ if(isEmpty()){ throw new RuntimeException("队列为空"); }
int val = arr[front]; front = (front+1)%maxSize; return val; } public void showQueue(){ if(isEmpty()){ System.out.println("队列为空"); return; } for (int i=front; i<front+size();i++) { System.out.printf("arr[%d]=%d\n",i%maxSize,arr[i%maxSize]); } }
public int size(){ return (rear+maxSize-front)%maxSize; }
public int headQueue(){ if(isEmpty()){ throw new RuntimeException("队列为空"); } return arr[front]; } }
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| =============环形队列验证============== ==========a: 添加队列============ ==========g: 获取队列============ ==========s: 查看队列============ ==========h: 查看队列头的数据============ ==========e: 退出程序============ 请输入对应的字符:a 请输入一个数字:1 =============环形队列验证============== ==========a: 添加队列============ ==========g: 获取队列============ ==========s: 查看队列============ ==========h: 查看队列头的数据============ ==========e: 退出程序============ 请输入对应的字符:s arr[0]=1 =============环形队列验证============== ==========a: 添加队列============ ==========g: 获取队列============ ==========s: 查看队列============ ==========h: 查看队列头的数据============ ==========e: 退出程序============ 请输入对应的字符:a 请输入一个数字:2 =============环形队列验证============== ==========a: 添加队列============ ==========g: 获取队列============ ==========s: 查看队列============ ==========h: 查看队列头的数据============ ==========e: 退出程序============ 请输入对应的字符:s arr[0]=1 arr[1]=2 =============环形队列验证============== ==========a: 添加队列============ ==========g: 获取队列============ ==========s: 查看队列============ ==========h: 查看队列头的数据============ ==========e: 退出程序============ 请输入对应的字符:a 请输入一个数字:3 队列已满,无法添加 =============环形队列验证============== ==========a: 添加队列============ ==========g: 获取队列============ ==========s: 查看队列============ ==========h: 查看队列头的数据============ ==========e: 退出程序============ 请输入对应的字符:s arr[0]=1 arr[1]=2 =============环形队列验证============== ==========a: 添加队列============ ==========g: 获取队列============ ==========s: 查看队列============ ==========h: 查看队列头的数据============ ==========e: 退出程序============ 请输入对应的字符:g 取出的数据:1 =============环形队列验证============== ==========a: 添加队列============ ==========g: 获取队列============ ==========s: 查看队列============ ==========h: 查看队列头的数据============ ==========e: 退出程序============ 请输入对应的字符:s arr[1]=2 =============环形队列验证============== ==========a: 添加队列============ ==========g: 获取队列============ ==========s: 查看队列============ ==========h: 查看队列头的数据============ ==========e: 退出程序============ 请输入对应的字符:a 请输入一个数字:6 =============环形队列验证============== ==========a: 添加队列============ ==========g: 获取队列============ ==========s: 查看队列============ ==========h: 查看队列头的数据============ ==========e: 退出程序============ 请输入对应的字符:s arr[1]=2 arr[2]=6 =============环形队列验证============== ==========a: 添加队列============ ==========g: 获取队列============ ==========s: 查看队列============ ==========h: 查看队列头的数据============ ==========e: 退出程序============ 请输入对应的字符:e 程序已退出
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